If you want to save hours of research and frustration, try our live Excelchat service! Our Excel Experts are available 24/7 to answer any Excel question you may have. Most of the time, the problem you will need to solve will be more complex than a simple application of a formula or function. įigure 10- Count of Unique Values in a Pivot Table Instant Connection to an Expert through our Excelchat Service We will select distinct count in the “ summarize values by” field. In a similar manner, you can find unique rows in your Excel table based on values in 2 or more columns.We will right-click and click on Value Field Settingsįigure 9- Value Field Settings Dialog box.We will click on any count in Column G of the Pivot Table.An instance is in United States that has just Judy Creations, M and B, and Sam Furnitures as clients. We will notice that the Pivot table has taken a count of all client and didn’t consider the repetition of client names.We will drag each field to the respective position as shown in figure 7.We will check the fields (Country, Client, and Expenditure) we want to add to the Pivot Table.We will also check “Add this Data to the Data Model” Sometimes, you may create several pivot tables based on the same. We will click on existing worksheet and specify the Location where the Pivot table will start from (E3 ). Count unique values in pivot table with Value Field Settings in Excel 2013 and later.We will click on the Insert tab and click on Pivot Table as shown in figure 3.Now, we will create a Pivot Table with the Data.We will press enter after inserting the name.We will click on the box below Table Name under File in Figure 5 and name the Table as Client_Data.We will click on OK on the dialog box that appears.We will click on anywhere on the data, click on the Insert tab, and click on Table as shown in figure 3.We will input the data as shown in figure 2 into the excel sheet.
The steps below will walk through the process of counting values and unique values in a Pivot Table.įigure 1- How to Count Values in a Pivot Table Setting up the Data For instance, in the example below, there is a count of 16 for clients when distinctly, they are only 4.
This enables us to have a valid representation of what we have in our data. We can count values in a PivotTable by using the value field settings.